서명 / 저자Muir's Atlas of ancient, mediaeval and modern history : comprising Muir's Atlas of ancient and classical history, and Muir's Historical atlas, mediaeval and modern / edited by George Goodall.
원서명Atlas of ancient, mediaeval and modern history
개인저자Muir, Ramsay, 1872-1941. Goodall, George. Muir, Ramsay, 1872-1941. Philips' Atlas of ancient and classical history. 1963.
Muir, Ramsay, 1872-1941. Muir's Historical atlas, mediaeval and modern. 1969.
발행사항London : G. Philip, 1982.
형태사항2 v. in 1 : col. maps ; 29 cm.
일반사항Each volume has a separate title page and has been issued separately. Includes indexes. Includes index.
내용[v. 1] Philips' Atlas of ancient and classical history, 6th ed., edited by Ramsay Muir and George Philip, 1963.--[v. 2] Muir's Historical atlas, mediaeval and modern, 11th ed., edited by George Goodall, 1969.
주제명Historical geography Maps.
청구기호912 M953m


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1 2674882 학산문고 학R 912 M953m